環保學會於12月15日「六十周年校慶活動──情繫福中」的「愛我綠色校園」環節中,頒發感謝狀予義務導師王民聲先生,感謝他義務幫助學校進行多種美化工 程。環保學會同學在介紹近期美化校園及種植活動的過程中,特別強調這些美好的東西都是得來不易,所以同學們應愛護校園,愛護環境。
"The feelings of happiness," the "Love Me Green Campus" campaign
Environmental Protection Society on December 15 "sixty Anniversary activities ─ ─ feelings of happiness," the "Love Me Green Campus" link, certificates of appreciation to volunteer mentors Mr. Wang Minsheng, thanks to his obligation to help the school for a variety of landscaping works. Environmental Protection Society students in the campus beautification and plantation on recent activities in the process, with particular emphasis on these good things are not easy, so students should take good care campus, care for the environment.