瀏覽人次:41584467 |
大蕃茄/ 番茄一一王民聲
又名西紅柿、洋柿子 大花茄
英文名稱 : (tomato) Solanum wrightii
科 :茄科
原產地 :南美洲
葉 :葉薄、淺綠色、有茸毛、葉邊有波紋,先端尖。
花 :黃色、亦有紫色小花。可全年可開花。
果 : 球形、柿形、大小不一、未熟時一般綠色。成熟後有大紅、黃等色。
特徵 :一年生草本、栽培容易、含豐富維生素C、甜酸適中、鮮美可口、生食熟食佳宜。莖為半直立、分枝力強、要支架扶持。經過改良後品種多、特大番茄外、還有櫻桃番茄。可供飯後食用。營養成分: 維生素C、胡蘿蔔素、有機酸、 礦物質。
栽培 :喜日照,濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫20-28度。夏天花後25天收成。冬天花後45天收成。
繁殖 :種子、播插。3月-5月、8-11月。
Big tomato-----Wong Man Sing
Also known astomato, the persimmon big tomato
English name:(tomato) Solanum wrightii
Family :solanaceae
Country of origin:South America
Leaf: leaves thin,pale green, pastel, leaf edge corrugated, apex acute.
Flower: yellow,also has a purple flower. But can bloom all the year round.
Fruit: spherical,persimmon, size is differ, the general green when unripe. After the mature red,yellow and other colors.
Characteristics:annual herb, easy cultivation, contains rich vitamin C, sweet and sourmoderate, delicious, good raw or cooked. To half erect stem, branch, to supportstrong support. After improved variety, large tomatoes, there are cherrytomatoes. To eat after dinner. Nutrition: vitamin C, carotene, organic acidsand minerals.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, rich, loose, sandy soil drainage well. Warm 20℃ to 28℃. Summer spent 25 daysafter harvest. Winter spend 45 days after harvest.
Reproduction:seeds, sowing. March to may, 8 to 11 months.