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Coffee-------Wong Man Sing
English name:Coffee liberica
Family: rubiaceae
Distribution: thewest coast of Africa, the equatorial forest
Leaf: thinly leathery, elliptic, pour egg shape, lanceolate, apex broad wedge tip, basebroadly wedge tip. Entire.
Flower: cymeshort, 2 to several clusters. LaoZhi axillary. Corolla white, a little shallowred flowering in the first five months
Fruits, berries,broadly elliptic. Fruiting between April and June
Description:evergreen trees or shrubs, to 6 to 15 m tall, red fruit, colour and lustre isbeautiful, suitable for park, garden, school, roadside cultivation. Fruit beiaroma, fruit contains caffeine larger grains. Used for production of drink.Rich smell.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, rich, loose, sandy soil drainage well. Suitable for 18℃ - 28 ℃.
Reproduction:cutting, seeding.