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觀花藤本 > 珊瑚藤Antigonon leptopus
珊瑚藤--王民聲 又名愛之藤、紅珊瑚
英文名稱:Antigonon leptopus
科 :蓼科
原產地 :中美州
葉 :卵形或卵狀三角形、先端尖、基部心形、葉全緣。葉脈明顯。葉面凹凸不平。
花 :頂生、葉腋生、總狀花序。粉紅色花、亦有白色花瓣。花期為3-12月。
果 : 瘦果
特徵 :多年生落葉攀緣藤木植物、長達10米或以上。花期長、花色艷麗、一串一串掛滿枝椏。適合公園、庭院、校園的涼亭、棚架、棚欄綠化。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好微酸性泥土。適溫20℃-30℃。
繁殖 :一般扦插、種子。
Coralvine ----- Wong Man Sing,, also known as the king of love vine , red coral
English name : Antigonon leptopus
Family: Polygonaceae
Country of Origin: Central America
Leaves: ovate or ovate-triangular , apex acute, base cordate , margin entire .Vein obvious. Foliar uneven .
Flower: top students, leaf axillary racemes . Pink flower, also white petals .Flowering period of 3-12 months.
Fruit : achene
Characteristics:perennial deciduous climbing vine wood plants, up to 10 meters or more . Longflowering period , beautiful color , covered with a bunch of a bunch ofbranches . Suitable for parks, gardens, gazebos campus , scaffolding , roof bargreen .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, drought, fertile, loose , well-drainedacidic soil . Optimum temperature 20 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: General cuttings and seeds .