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觀花藤本 > 紫藤Wisteria sinensis
紫藤--王民聲 又名藤罗蘿、朱藤、藤花
英文名稱:Wisteria sinensis
科 :豆科藤本
原產地 :中國
葉 :奇數羽狀複葉、7-13片、卵形或卵形披針形。幼時有白毛,老葉灰綠色。
花 :總狀花序、下垂,小花多、遠看似一串紫提子。芳香春天為花期。
果 :莢果、銀灰色茸毛。9-10月為花期。
特徵 :落葉藤蔓植物,喜纏繞向上,春天先出花。適合大型柵架生長。讚頌紫藤花以唐朝李德裕的詩:「遙聞碧潭上,春晚紫藤開。水似晨霞照,林疑彩鳳來。清香凝島嶼,繁艷映莓苔。金谷如相并,應將錦帳回。」作者的感覺,「枯木逢春」、美不勝收。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、泥土深厚、肥沃排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :一般用壓枝、扦插法。
Wisteria----- Wong Man Sing, zhu vine, vine flowers
English name : Wisteria sinensis
Family: Fabaceae Fujimoto
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: odd-pinnate ,7- 13 , ovate or ovate- lanceolate. Childhood has whitehair , old leaves gray-green .
Flower: racemes , drooping , flowers and more , much like a bunch of purplegrapes . Aroma of flowering spring .
Fruit : pod , silver-gray hair . September-October is flowering .
Characteristics: deciduous vines , joy wrapped up in spring before the flowers. Suitable forlarge gate frame growth . Wisteria tribute to Tang Li Deyu 's poem : " In the distant on the crystal clear lake you can smell the fragrance of wisteria , wisteria Spring Festival opened . Like the early morning rays shining water , woods suspect phoenix come . Fragrance condensate islands, Fan Yan Ying cranberry . Jingu such as phase and should Kam account back ." the feeling of " being vitality " , beautiful.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist , drought , soil deep, fertile soil with gooddrainage . Optimum temperature
℃-28 ℃.
Reproduction: general use pressure branches, cutting method .