天山红花( 如果你知這個名 ?你一定是植物專家)
天山紅花--王民聲 又名倒掛金鐘、寶蓮燈、燈籠花
英文名稱:Fuchsia hybrida
科 :柳葉菜科
原產地 :中國
葉 :葉對生、或輪生。卵形披針狀。有鋸齒、葉簿。
花 :生於葉腋,有長花梗、下垂成鐘形。有單、重瓣。全紅色、紅加紫等色。1至2月為花期。
特徵 :喜濕潤清涼地方,怕強光。七0年代從中國來的新品種花。最初名為天山紅花。園藝筆者---大部份都不知這個名。他們叫倒掛金鐘、寶蓮燈。如缺水過量,會落葉。花形奇特,似燈籠懸於樹枝之上。鮮艷奪目。
栽培 :喜陽光、濕潤、含腐殖質、疏鬆肥沃、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫
繁殖 :扦插法。
Tianshan redflower - WongMan Sing, also known asfuchsias , Lotus Lantern , lantern flowers
Name : Fuchsia hybrida
Family: Onagraceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: Leaves opposite or whorled . Ovate lanceolate . Serrated leaf book.
Flowers: axillary, long pedicellate , drooping into the bell . There are single, double petals . All red , red and purple and other colors. January-Februaryis flowering .
Features: hi moistcool place , afraid of light . 70 years, from China to the new flowers .Originally named Tianshan safflower. Gardening author --- Most do not know thisname. They called fuchsias , Lotus Lantern . If excess water will be deciduous. Exotic flower , like lanterns hanging above the branches. Colorful.
Cultivation : hi sunny , moist, humus , loose and fertile , well-drained sandysoil. Optimum temperature