鳳凰木--王民聲 又名紅花楹、火焰樹、金鳳刺、「金鳳鳳凰木」
英文名稱:Delonis regia (Flame Tree)
科 :蘇木科
原產地 :馬達加斯加
葉 :複葉、長三十多公分、由無數小葉組成二回羽狀。
花 :花瓣五枚、花輪形、雄蕊十枚、有紅、橙紅色。花期5-7月。
果 :豆莢、深褐色、扁平長條形、果期8-10月。
特徵 :落葉喬木、顯花樹、生長一般、有傘形的樹冠、枝條下垂、冬天落葉、五月出新芽。香港路邊、公園、校園常見。可高二十公尺。花色鮮紅、花期長又茂密、把周圍環境染成一片火紅、遠看似樹木著火一樣。故英文稱「森林之火」。另一種樹較小、花橙黃及鮮紅色叫「金鳳鳳凰木」。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆排水良好沙質泥土。適溫21℃-30℃。
繁殖 :種子。
Phoenix wood------- Also known as safflowerjacaranda, flame tree, jinfeng, "jinfeng phoenix wood"
English name:Delonis regia (Flame Tree)
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Country of origin:Madagascar
Leaf: compoundleaves, more than thirty centimeters, is made up of countless lobules 2 back topinnate.
Flower: fivepetals, flowers wheel, stamens 10, there are red, orange red. July 5 -flowering.
Fruit: pod, darkbrown, flat rectangular, fruiting 8-10 months.
Description:deciduous trees, flower, grow general, umbrella canopy, drooping branches andleaves in winter, may the sprout. The Hong Kongside of the road, park, common on campus. Can be ten meters high. Design andcolor is bright red, flowering, long and thick, dye environment around a pieceof red, far looks like trees on fire. The English "fire" in the woodssaid. Another small trees, flowers, orange, yellow, and bright red, called"jinfeng phoenix wood".
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, fertile and loose sandy soil drainage well. The optimaltemperature of 21 ℃ to30 ℃.
Reproduction: theseed.