方法 – 把紅球接在砧木的斷面。
(一.) 砧木是用親和力最大的植株做樹幹。
(二.) 接穗是取(紅球)。
(三.) 砧木(量天尺)離地數CM 切斷植株。
(四.) 用刀把砧木(量天尺)切個缺口(平切)。見形成層和木質部。
(五.) 接穗用刀(平面切口)。見形成層和木質部。
(六.) 接穗及砧木切口面積相同
(七.) 立即緊貼雙方的形成層。
(八.) 用繩緊密結合兩者,再繞蓋紅球。
Cactus - Grafting
(I.) The aim is to have the merits of the two plants combined with each other into a new individual.
(Two.) Scion: for grafting (red ball).
(Three.) Rootstock: for grafting (hylocereus).
(Four.) Grafting is successful, the decision scion rootstock affinity between the size of the closer kinship, affinity greater. Usually refers to the same family, belong to the same species, between individuals of the same species in each.
(V.) scion rootstock must take vigorous growth.
(Six.) Estimated number of sunny days, then after two, three days without watering.
(VII.) Scion and rootstock must be both a "cambium" adhesion.
(VIII) The best time: dormant, developmental stage.
Method - the red balls in the rootstock section.
(I.) rootstock plants with the largest affinity to do trunk.
(Two.) Scion is to take the (red ball).
(Three.) Rootstock (hylocereus) Number of CM cut plants from the ground.
(Four.) Knife to rootstocks (hylocereus) cut a notch (sliced). See the cambium and xylem.
(V.) scion knife (flat cut). See the cambium and xylem.
(Six.) Scion and rootstock cut the same size
(VII.) Immediately close both the cambium.
(VIII) with a rope tightly combination of both, and then around the red ball cap.