2018/19(一人一花)主題花……一串紅 Salvia splendens
一串紅--王民聲 又名爆竹紅、西洋紅、象牙紅、牆下紅
英文名稱: Salvia splendens
科 :唇形花科
原產地 :南美
葉 :卵形、對生、有柄、先端尖。葉邊有鋸齒。
花 :總狀花序、頂生、鮮紅色、花期長、5-10月、花萼鐘形、與花瓣同色、花冠唇形。
果 :堅果、橢圓形。種子淺褐色。
特徵 :多年生草本、高80-100㎝、莖直立、有光滑。品種多變如一串白、一串紫、叢生一串紅、矮一串紅等。花序成串、花色鮮艷、花期長、適合性強、庭院、公園、路邊、學校、花壇、花境佈置、節日佈置、能增添歡樂的色彩。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、較耐旱、疏鬆、肥沃排水良好泥土。適溫15℃-30℃。
繁殖 :一般種子或扦插法。
Theconcept of flowers
Salvia - Wong Man Sing, also known as the king of red firecrackers , westernred, ivory, red, the red wall
English name : Salvia splendens
Family: Labiatae
Country of Origin: South America
Leaves: ovate , opposite, stalked , apex acute . Serrated leaf edge .
Flower: racemes , terminal , bright red , long flowering period , 5-10 months,calyx bell-shaped , with the petals of the same color , corolla lip .
Fruit : nut , oval . Seeds light brown .
Characteristics:perennial herb, 80-100 cm high , stems erect, smooth. Species varied as a bunchof white , a bunch of purple, red tufted bunch , bunch of red dwarf .Inflorescence clusters of bright colors, long flowering period , suitable forstrong, courtyards, parks , street, school, flower beds, flower border layout,festive decorations , to add fun colors.
Cultivation : hi sunshine, humid, relatively drought, loose, fertile soil withgood drainage . Optimum temperature 15 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: general seed or cuttings France .