天竺葵--王民聲 又名石蠟紅、洋繡球
英文名稱:Pelargonium hortorum
科 :牻牛兒苗科
原產地 :南非
葉 :互生、掌狀、具長柄、葉邊具鋸齒、葉面有較深的環狀斑紋。
花 :傘狀花序、腋生、有紅色、粉紅、白色、紫色。有單托、雙托品種。花期初冬至翌年初夏。
果 :蒴果、果期春至夏。
特徵 :多年生常綠草本、高20-40cm。花期長、花色多彩嬌美。常作盆栽。適合公園、庭院、校園綠化。葉具特殊氣味。可提取精油及香科。另外,一般中學都利用葉子作「光合作用」實驗。
栽培 :喜日照、半日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫15℃-25℃。
繁殖 :扦插、播種。
Geranium - Wong Man Sing, also known as the king of red wax ,hydrangeas
Name : Pelargonium hortorum
Family: Geraniaceae
Origin : South Africa
Leaves : alternate, palmate , with a long-handled , serrated leaf edges ,leaves a deeper ring markings.
Flowers: umbels , axillary, red, pink , white, purple. Single prop , dual propvariety. Beginning in early summer next year to spend the winter solstice .
Fruit : Capsule ,fruit spring to summer .
Features: evergreen perennial herb, 20-40cm. Long flowering period , colorcolorful charming. Often pot . Suitable for parks, gardens , campus greening .Leaves with special smell. Essential oils and incense can be extracted Division. In addition , the general secondary schools use the leaves as " photosynthesis" experiment.
Cultivation : hi sunshine, half sunshine , moist, fertile, loose ,
Pelargonium species & hybrids 天竺葵屬1 (1)
Pelargonium species & hybrids 天竺葵屬2 (1)
Pelargonium species & hybrids 天竺葵屬3 (1)
Pelargonium species & hybrids 天竺葵屬4 (1)
天竺葵白噴點 'Victis Glitter' (1)
斑紋皺葉天竺葵(Pelargonium crispum ‘Variegatum’ (1)
楓葉天竺葵 Pelargonium x hortorum cv ' Vancouver Centennial' (1)