朱槿--王民聲 又名扶桑、朱槿、大紅花、佛桑
英文名稱:Hibiscus rose-sinensis
科 :錦葵科
原產地 :中國
葉 :互生、闊卵形至狹卵形,似桑葉。
果 :蒴果、卵圓形。
花 :全年開花、單瓣似喇叭形。中心長出花蕊,一般叫大紅花。重瓣似牡丹型。亦有吊燈型。花大,有紅、橙黃、淺黃、粉紅色等。
特徵 :常綠灌木,常見公園,陽光充足通風濕潤地方。根、葉、花可入藥。有清熱解毒之效。因其葉似桑,花似槿而得名。讚頌扶桑的北宋名臣蔡襄的詩:「溪館出寒似旱春,寒花相倚媚行人。可憐萬木凋零盡,獨見繁枝爛漫新。清艷衣沾雲表露,幽香過時轍中塵。名園不肯爭顏色,灼灼天桃野水濱。」
栽培 :喜陽光、濕潤、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫18℃-30℃。
繁殖 :常用扦插法。
Hibiscusrosa-sinensis---- Wong Man Sing Also known as mulberry, mulberry China rose,red hibiscus, Buddha
English name:Hibiscus, raised - sinensis
Family: malvaceae
Origin: China
Leaves: alternate,broadly ovate to ovate, mulberry leaves.
Friuts: capsule,ovoid.
Flowers: bloom allyear, single horn. Center grow the blossom, commonly called big red flowers.Double type like a peony. Also have type droplight. Flowers large, there arered, orange, yellow, pink, etc.
Description:evergreen shrubs, common park, sunny ventilation wet places. Root, leaf, flowercan be used as a medicine. There are heat-clearing and detoxifying effect.Because of laid like mulberry, called the park. Praise fuso of northern songdynasty yu Cai Xiang poem: "cold creek pavilion out like dry spring, thecold take contingency mei pedestrian. Poor than wood decay, brilliant new alonesee numerous branches. Qing colourful clothes stained with cloud show,fragrance outdated quote in the dust. Famous not for color, peach spring daywild water shore."
Cultivation: likesunshine, moisture, osteoporosis, well drained soil. Optimum temperature 18 ℃ to 30 ℃
Reproduction:commonly used cuttage.
南美朱槿 (1)
紅塔扶桑 學名:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'El Capitolio'別名:紅塔朱槿英文名:Red El Capitolio Hibiscus (1)
裂瓣朱槿(學名:Hibiscus schizopetalus)依其花型又俗稱燈籃仔花 (1)
金塔扶桑 學名:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cv. Golden Pagoda別名:金塔朱槿英文名:Chinese Hibiscus (1)