美稱:國色天香 又名:木芍藥、洛陽花、花王、富貴花、鹿韭
英文名稱:Paeonia Suffruticosa
科 :毛茛科
原産地 :中國
葉 :互生,二回三出複葉,頂生小葉三裂,無毛。
花 :單生、頂生,花大如碗。有白、黃、紅、粉紅、紫、複色。有單瓣、重瓣。濃香。先開花,後出葉。
果 :蓇葖果。
特徵 :落葉灌木,高1-2米,我國十大名花之一、原産中國西北秦嶺和伏牛山區。 歷史悠久。西漢《神農本草經》就有根皮可入藥記載。牡丹代表雍容華貴,富麗堂皇,勁骨剛心。是中華民族美好幸福的象徵。牡丹有三四百種,歷史上四大名種有姚黃、魏紫、歐碧及趙粉。古往今來贊美牡丹的詩最多,唐朝詩人皮日休:「落盡殘紅始吐芳,佳名喚作百花王,競誇天下無雙,獨立人間第一香。」此外,李白更借牡丹說楊貴妃:「名花傾國兩相歡,長得君王帶笑看。解釋春風無限恨,沉香亭北倚樣幹。」真是風流旖旎,流芳後代。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐乾旱、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好中性沙質泥土。適合10℃-20℃。
繁殖 :播種或嫁接法。
Peony-------Wong ManSing
Laudatory : Aromatic Also known as: wood peony, Luoyang flower ,the king of flowers,richflowers , deer leek
English name : Paeonia Suffruticosa
Family: Ranunculaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: alternate,two back to three fronds , top leaflets three lobed , glabrous.
Flowers: solitary , terminal , flowers as big as a bowl. There are white,yellow , red, pink , purpl, complex color . Single petal, plena . Flavor .Before flowering , after the leaves.
Fruit : Follicles .
Characteristics :deciduous shrub , 1-2 meters high , China's top ten flowers , native to Chinaand barberry Northwest Qinling mountains. Peony has a long history in China,dating back to the Western Han Dynasty , " Shen Nong 's HerbalClassic" have documented the root bark can be used as medicine. Peonyrepresents elegant, magnificent, fresh bone just heart . The Chinese nationsymbol of happiness. There are three or four hundred peony species, plantedwith four famous historical Yao Huang, Wei Zi, Oubi and Zhao fen.
Peony praisepoetry through the ages up to the Tang Dynasty poet Pi Rixiu : " When all the flowerswithered just started blooming peony alone , so it with Good reputation for theking of flowers. Boast that it is unparalleled in the world glamorous , theworld first fragrance" In addition, Li Bai penoy say more by Yang : " Peony and Royal are sobeautiful , straight smile watching the kings , then there is another bighearts hatred and chaise came together as long as this incense River PeonyPavilion , will be dissipated without a trace." really romantic scenery ,to be honored offspring.
Cultivation : hisunshine, humid , drought-resistant , loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soilneutral . Suitable for 10 ℃-20 ℃.
Propagation: planting or grafting .