英文名稱:Hippea strum ruatilum
科 :石蒜科
原產地 :秘魯境內山脈
葉 :葉長、帶狀,先端尖。
花 :漏斗狀、紅色、粉紅色、紅色間白等多種雜色。春天為花期。
果 :蒴果。夏天為果期。
特徵 :三月開花,新葉與花同時或開花後出葉,花柱中空,高六十公分。四朵大花。用種子繁殖,第三年開花。球形鱗莖,外被鱗皮,葉基生。朱頂蘭是世界上最大型的鱗莖花卉之一。最容易栽培植物。展綠瀟灑。花葶粗壯,清秀挺拔,花色多種多樣、光彩照人,人見人愛。形似百合又勝於百合、絢麗多彩。
栽培 :喜日照或半日照、濕潤、疏鬆肥沃排水良好泥土。適溫15℃-28℃。
繁殖 :一般用分植鱗莖法。把側球分行栽植。
Phaius - Wong Man Sing, also known as white striata , blue crane , monkey orchid
English Name : Phaius tankervilliae
Family: Orchidaceae
Country of Origin: China , Fujian, Guangdong , Guangxi,
Leaves : alternate, ovate-lanceolate , broadly lanceolate , entire.
Flowers: axillary racemes in pseudobulb base . White flower on the back . Theinner surface of dark red. Fragrance. Flowering spring.
Features: tufted perennial herb, 70-80 cm high , flowers blooming brilliant,long flowering , fragrant , indoor and outdoor potted flowers. Suitable forparks, gardens landscaping. Also used as cut flowers.
Cultivation : hi sunshine, half sunshine , moist, fertile , loose, well-drainedslightly acidic sandy soil with humus . Optimum temperature 18 ℃ -28 ℃.
Reproduction: General tiller.