石斛蘭--王民聲 又名杜蘭,父親節之花
英文名稱:Dendrobium spp.
科 :蘭科
原產地 :中國
葉 :葉紙質,披針形,頂端尖。
花 :總狀花序、腋生、生花1-8朵,有香氣。花色嬌艷多色。花期3-6月
特徵 :多年生附生草木、莖叢生直立,具分枝的頂端,無柄。條形。頂端二圓裂。花瓣與萼片同形。唇瓣邊扇形。花形花色多彩絢麗。多用作盆栽觀賞。株形小巧,易於栽培,花期長適合庭院、校園種植、佈置室內美化。
栽培 :喜半日照、濕潤、耐旱、常用蕨根、蘭石、樹皮塊、石塊、水苔等栽培。適溫18℃-30℃。
繁殖 :分株、扦插法。
Dendrobium - WongMan Sing and Father's Day flower
English Name: Dendrobium spp.
Family: Orchidaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: Leaves papery , lanceolate, pointed tip .
Flowers: racemes , axillary, 1-8 flower flowers , aroma . Multicolor bloomingcolor . Flowering 3-6 months
Characteristics: Perennial epiphytic vegetation , stems tufted erect, with thetop branches , sessile . Strip . The top two circular crack. Petals and sepalssame shape. Lip side fan . Flower color colorful colorful . More as ornamentalplants . Plant type compact, easy cultivation, long flowering period suitablecourtyard, planted on campus , furnished interior landscaping.
Cultivation : hihalf sunshine , humid , drought, common fern root , blue stone, bark pieces ,rocks, moss and other cultivation. Optimum temperature 18 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: Ramet , cutting method .
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