2014小欖菊花會- (園藝造景)3
中山小欖有“菊城”美譽。已有七百多年的歷史。清代嘉慶十九年(一八一四年),歲次甲戌,“黃花會”長輩為紀念先祖從中原南遷至小欖,集十姓“菊社”舉辦大型菊花會,並相約每隔六十年舉辦一次“甲戌菊花大會”。小欖甲戌大會歷經晩清(一八七四年)、民國(一九三四年),活動內容有賞菊、賽菊、吟菊、畫菊、嘗菊、水上飄色、菊花戲等,成為富具地方色彩的傳統盛會,名滿中外。 六十年一次的小欖甲戌菊花大會,於二○○六年被國務院批准列入第一批國家非物質文化遺產名錄。下一次甲戌菊花大會時為二○五四年。十年舉辦一次中型菊花展覽,.今年小欖迎來二百周年菊花會展,劃分為花海區、造景區、展館區、美食區四大區域,其中從南京引種的菊中珍品,目前我國綠色菊花中最綠的一個品種“綠安娜”,為首次亮相。
Zhongshan Xiaolan of "Ju City" reputation. Has 700 years of history. Qing Jiaqing nineteen years (1814), Year Awake, "yellow will" elders to commemorate ancestors moved from the Central Plains south Xiaolan, set 10 name "chrysanthemum club" will hold large chrysanthemum, and meet each compartment held every six years, "Awake chrysanthemum Assembly." After Dinner Qing Jia Xu Xiaolan General Assembly (1874), the Republic of China (1934), activities have Shangju, race Ju Ju Yin, painted daisy, chrysanthemum taste, water floating color, drama and so on Chrysanthemum has become a traditional event rich with local color, were full of Chinese and foreign. Jia Xu Xiaolan six decennial chrysanthemum Conference on Second ○○ six years in the State Council approved the inclusion of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. Awake the next time the General Assembly for two ○ 五 chrysanthemum four years. Medium chrysanthemum exhibition held every ten years, this year ushered in the bicentenary of Xiaolan chrysanthemum exhibition is divided into four regions flowers area, building area, pavilion area, dining area, where the introduction of chrysanthemum from Nanjing treasures, currently our green chrysanthemum varieties greenest a "Green Anna" for the debut.