非洲紫羅蘭--王民聲 又名非洲堇、非洲紫苣苔
英文名稱:Saint paulia ionantha
科 :苦苣苔科
原產地 :非洲東部熱帶地區
葉 :卵形、圓形互生、短莖、葉面有白色茸毛、呈不深綠色。肉質葉。葉柄淺綠色。葉生稱蓮座狀。
花 :花從葉脈抽出。在頂端分枝。花托為五冠片的。花冠呈管狀。冠片分裂成花瓣。變種多。有紫、粉紅、白、雜色等。花期夏天至冬天。
特徵 :多年生常綠草本。小盆栽。常見冷氣辦公室種植。喜陽光、喜冷氣室。品種花色繁多、觀賞性強、容易繁殖、生長快、主要室內種植。
栽培 :喜半日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫15℃-25℃。
繁殖 :一般用分株法、或用一片葉繁殖。
African violets - WongMan Sing, African Jin Wang , also known as the African violet cotinifolia
English name : Saint paulia ionantha
Family: Gesneriaceae
Origin: eastern tropical Africa
Leaves: oval , round alternate, short stems, leaves with white hair , was notdark green. Fleshy leaves. Petioles light green . Yip Sang said the rosette .
Flowers: Flowers withdrawn from the vein . At the top branches. Tori five crownpiece . Corolla tubular . Crown piece split into petals. Multiple variants .Purple , pink , white , variegated and so on. Flowering summer to winter.
Features:evergreen perennial herb. Small potted plants . Common air-conditioned officeplanting. Hi sunshine, hi air conditioning room. Wide variety of colors ,ornamental , easy to breed , fast growth, mainly grown indoors .
Cultivation : hi half sunshine , moist, loose, fertile , well-drained soil.Optimum temperature 15 ℃ -25℃.
Reproduction: general use ramets method , or with a leaf propagation.