本校邀請了熟悉園藝的家長王民聲先生擔任義務導師,指導學生在樂福園圃進行新一輪的種植活動。參加的學生主要是3C班同學,在Day W的午膳時間由林志洋老師帶領下到樂福園圃參與活動。在活動當中,義務導師王民聲先生教授同學們種植白菜、生菜、蘿蔔和蕃茄等農作物,而半年前開始種植的木瓜亦成功取得收成。這些豐碩成果有賴環保學會的同學每天對農作物的悉心照料,於午膳或放學時間分小組輪流到樂福園圃為農作物澆水。同學們都對種植活動感興趣,大家不斤斤計較,互相幫助為農作物澆水,最後看著自己的汗水慢慢地孕育著新生命,收成時很有滿足感。
Familiar horticultural school invited parents Mr. Wang Minsheng as volunteer mentors to guide students in Carrefour new round of garden planting activities. Students participated mainly 3C classmates at lunch time from Day W Lin Yang led by their teachers to participate in activities Carrefour garden. Among the activities, volunteer mentors Mr. Wang Minsheng professors classmates planted cabbage, lettuce, radishes and tomatoes and other crops, but six months ago began planting papaya also successfully secured harvest. Environmental Protection Society of these fruitful results depend on crops students are taken care of every day, at lunch or after school hours in small groups take turns to Carrefour for crop watering gardens. The cultivation of students are interested in the activities, we do not care about and help each other as watering crops, and finally looked at his sweat slowly pregnant with new life, harvest is very rewarding.