瀏覽人次:41085511 |
又名: 映山紅、滿山紅、山石榴。
英文名稱: Rhododendron simsii
科 : 石南科
原産地 : 中國西南部
葉 : 橢圓形, 狹長, 先端尖, 葉背披柔毛。
花 : 春天開花, 花期長, 五花瓣, 花冠闊呈漏斗狀。有紫紅色、粉紅色、白色, 觀賞極高。3-5月爲花期。
果 : 蒴果, 球形, 5-8月爲果期。
特徵 : 常綠灌木, 多分枝。於公園, 校園, 山坡常見。喜陽光而不受風的地方。全株可入藥, 具行氣活血、補虛的功效。贊頌杜鵑花以白居易最爲著名: "閑折二枝持在手,細看不似人間有,花中此物是西施,鞭蓉芍藥皆嫫母"。故杜鵑又稱「花中西施」。故事: 相傳古代蜀王杜宇稱帝后化爲杜鵑鳥, 到清明就苦苦嗚叫、啼血不止。結果染紅滿山野花。稱杜鵑花或映山紅。
栽培 : 喜陽光或半日照, 耐旱、喜濕潤、疏鬆、排水良好壤土。適溫18℃-30℃
繁殖 : 可用扦插方法。
Rhododendron simsii -----------Wong Man Sing
Also known as:Rhododendron simsii Planch, Azolla mbricate Nakai, Randia spinosa Poir.
English name: Rhododendronsimsii
Famliy: Ericaceae
Country of Origin:China southwest
Leaves: Oval ,long and narrow , apex acute , dorsal Phi pubescent
Flower: Spring-flowering, long flowering period , five petals , wide funnel-shaped corolla . Purple,pink , white , highly ornamental . March to May for flowering .
Fruit : Capsule ,spherical , 5-8 for the fruit stage .
Characteristics:Evergreen shrubs , many branches . Common in the park , campus , hillside . Hisun without wind . The whole plant can be used as medicine, includingregulating the flow of qi, promoting blood circulation, tonic effect. Tributeazaleas Bai Juyi most famous : "When idle hands pick two azaleas, take acloser look some things is not like earth, is beauty in flowers, Hibiscus and Paeonialactifloraare ugly women".The azaleas it is also known as the "Flower beauties.Story: According to legend, the ancient king of Shu country DuYu became theemperor into azaleas to the Qingming Day it hard crying, More than weepingblood . Results red mountain is covered with wildflowers .So it was called rhododendronor azalea .
Propagation:cuttings method availabled