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又名: 千枝梅、春梅
英文名稱: Pruns mume
科 : 薔薇科
原産地 : 中國江南一帶,長江流域
葉 : 廣卵形、卵形,長4-10cm,先端尖,葉邊具細齒,葉脈上有短毛,有葉柄
花 : 單生,兩朵齊出,腋生,花梗短或無梗萼筒鍾狀、有短柔毛、裂片卵形,花瓣5枚,有白、粉、淺紅、綠、紫綠、酒金紫色、芳香。先花後葉、早春開花
果 : 6月果期、核果
特徵 : 落葉木本,有果梅,花梅兩種,花瓣高3-10米,樹幹紫褐色,小枝細長。 梅多重瓣、花後不結果。亦有結果品種,觀果觀花均可。古代詩人林通讚美梅最著名《山園小梅》:「芳搖落狂暄妍,佔盡風情向小園。疏影橫斜水清淺,暗香浮動月黃昏。霜禽欲下先偷眼,粉蝶如知合斷魂,幸有徽吟可相狎,不須檀皮共金樽。」把梅花瓊姿神韻,淋漓盡致。至於中國歷史上關于梅花掌國典故更數不勝數。例如:踏雪尋梅、望梅止渴、梅花妝、陸凱寄梅、何處思梅、采萍梅妃、孤山梅隱、羅浮夢仙、梅嶺衣塚等。適合露地種植,又可盆栽裝飾,梅花是切花的材料。部分品種果可以食。製作果脯、也可釀酒。
栽培 : 喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆,排水良好沙質泥土,適溫18℃-24℃
繁殖 : 嫁接、扦插、壓條。
Prunus mume---------------WongMan Sing
Also known as:Chinese plum blossom, chun mei
English name: Pruns mume
Family: Rosaceae
Country of Origin: China southern area of the Yangtze River
Leaves: broadovate, ovate, 4-10cm, apex acute, leaf edges with fine teeth , veins have shorthai, with petioles
Flowers: solitary, two Saide , axillary , pedicels shorter or sessile calyx campanulate, pubescent , lobes ovate , petals 5 , white , pink , light red ,green, purple green and gold wine purple, fragran. First flower after theleaves, early spring flowering
Fruit : June fruit , Drupe
Characteristics :deciduous woody , with fruit plum, plum two kinds of flowers , petals 3-10 mtall, purple-brown trunk , twigs slender . Meadow petals after flowering, notthe results. The results are also varieties , fruit flower can be. Lin Tong Mei ancientpoets praise famous " Little Plums of a Mountain Garden ": Flowers wither , the unique plum icy proudly bloom, gorgeous scenery that beautifulscenery of the small park reap . Sparse shadow children, crosswise in shallowwater , quiet fragrance floating in the evening under the moonlight. Cold bird flew down and think , first peek plum one ; Butterfly If you know the plum’s beauty, will ecstasy lost soul . Koki I whispered chant , and plum close without knocking Tanban singing, clinging to appreciate golden cup drinking it." Joan posethe plum charm , vividly. As for the Chinese nation on the history Plum palmallusions more numerous.
For example: Look for plum flowers while trending on snow, quench one’s thirst by thinking of plums, plum makeup, Send Acacia deep plum LuKai, HeXun endless love forplum, Cai Ping plum Concubine, mountain with plum hidden, Luofu mountain drunk occasionally encounterplum fairy, Plum Ridge outside the city of Yangzhou , Shi Kefa cenotaphnational hero. Suitable for open field cultivation ,but also decorative pottedplants , cut flowers plum is material . Some varieties of fruit you can eat.Production preserved , but also wine .
Cultivation :hi sunshine , moist, drought, fertile, loose, well-drained sandy soil, optimum temperature 18 ℃ -24 ℃.
Reproduction: grafting, cuttings , layering .