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又名: 四季花、勝春、勝花、月月紅、鬥雪紅、瘦客。
英文名稱: Rose Chinensis
科 : 薔薇科
原産地 : 中國
葉 : 羽狀複葉、小葉長橢圓形, 卵形, 先端尖, 有鋸齒。有光澤, 葉背淡綠無毛。有葉柄, 有刺。
花 : 有單生, 簇長花序形傘形。有單、重瓣。有紅、粉紅、紫、黃、橙、白或雜色, 亦有芳香。4-9月爲花期。
果 : 卵形, 球形, 紅色。
特徵 : 常綠或落葉灌木、莖有刺, 有四季開花, 喜冬天生長, 夏天生長慢。月季, 薔薇, 玫瑰, 西方統稱Rose。三者容貌相似,有三姐妹之稱。贊頌月季花,宋詩人楊萬裏: 「只道花無十日紅,此花無日不春風。一尖已剝胭脂筆,四破猶包翡翠茸。別有香超桃李外,更同梅鬥雪霜中。折來喜作新年看,忘卻今晨是季冬。」
栽培 : 喜陽光,生長適溫15oC-24oC。耐旱,喜濕潤,疏鬆肥沃,排水良好,微酸沙質泥土。
繁殖 : 一般高壓、扦插。
Rosa chinensis------------Wong Man Sing
Also known as: FourSeasons Flowers, ShengChun, ShengHua, DouXueHong, SouKe.
English name: Rosechinensis
Family: Rosaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: Pinnate ,leaflets oblong , ovate , apex pointed , serrated . Shiny , dorsal hairless lightgreen . Petiole, or thorn .
Flowers: Solitary, cluster long the inflorescence -shaped umbrella . Single, double. Red, pink,purple, yellow, orange, white or variegated , also aromatic. April to Septemberflowering .
Fruit : Ovoid ,spherical , red .
Features : Evergreenor deciduous shrubs , stems have thorns , Four Seasons flowering hi wintergrowth , slow growth in summer . Rose chinensis, Rosa multiflora , Rose ,Western collectively referred to Rose. Three similar looking three sisters said. Tribute to Chinese rose , Song Yang Wanli “The fresh flowers can not openfrequently; while Rose has all year round , every day flowers in full bloom. One just did not put theflower bud sticking out, one has to break through the green flower stem, out ofblooming flowers. Although peaches and plums fragrance pressure masses,but rose and peach on top, showing the strong fragrance of the rose. Winter ,flowers wither, while the exception of plum snow, fighting the cold , stayalone. At the moment we couldn’t believe there will be so beautiful in winter’ssuit.
Cultivation : Hisun , growth optimum temperature 15℃ - 24℃ .Drought-tolerant, likes moist , loose and fertile , well-drained, slightlyacidic sandy soil .
Reproduction: General high pressure , cuttings .