瀏覽人次:41059499 |
孔雀草--王民聲 又名小萬壽菊、紅黃草
英文名稱:Tagates patula
科 :菊科
原產地 :墨西哥
葉 :對生、互生、羽狀全裂、裂片線狀披針形、具油線點、有異味。
花 :頭狀花序單生、舌狀花黃色、莖部或邊緣紅褐色。
果 :廋果,黑褐色。
特徵 :一年生草本,高20-60cm、容易種植、常見花卉、適合花壇、路邊、公園、庭院、校園綠化觀賞、也可盆栽。葉花可入藥、具清熱化痰、補血通經功效。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :播種。
Peacock grass – WongMan Sing Also known as XiaoWan ShouJu, red yellow grass
English name:Tagates patula
Family: Compositae
Country of origin:Mexico
Leaves: opposite,alternate, pinnate all cracks, lobes linear or lanceolate, oil line point, havepeculiar smell.
Flowers: capitulumsingle, ligulate flowers yellow, stem, or reddish brown edges.
Fruits: thin,fruit, dark brown.
Characteristics:annual herb, 20 to 60 cm high, easy cultivation, common flowers, flower beds,suitable for the side of the road, park, garden, the campus green ornamental,can also be potted plants. Which can be used as a medicine, heat, phlegm andblood pass after effect.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moisture, drought-tolerant, rich, loose, well drained soil. Optimumtemperature 18 ℃ to 26 ℃.