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向日葵--王民聲 又名向陽花、朝陽花、葵花、轉日蓮
英文名稱:Helianthus annuus
科 :菊科
原產地 :北美洲
葉 :卵形、先端尖、葉大有茸毛。
花 :一般金黃色、頭狀花序、頂生、外形似太陽。有單瓣或重瓣。舌狀花金黃色、雌性。管狀花紫褐色、兩性。
特徵 :一年生草木、觀賞極高、有向陽光傾向、早上旭日初昇、花向東方。黃昏向西。全年開花。高1-3米。花大美麗、常用切花材料、種子可食、榨油。花穗可入藥。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫
繁殖 :一般用種子。
Sunflower –WongMan Sing Also known as the sunflower, sunflower, sunflower, ZhuanRiLian
English name:Helianthus annuus
Family: Compositae
Country of origin:North America
Lobes ovate, apexacute, Ye Dayou fuzz.
Flowers: goldencolor, flower head, top, looks like the sun. With single or double. Ligulegolden yellow, female flower. Tubiform floret puce, gender.
Characteristics:annual herb, highly ornamental, there is a tendency to the sunlight, the sunrising in the morning, the east. Evening to west. Bloom all the year round. 1to 3 m tall. Pay big beautiful, commonly used the material of cut, edible seedsand oil. The flowers can be used as a medicine.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, drought-tolerant sandy soil, loose, fertile and well drained. Optimumtemperature 15 ℃ --- 32 ℃.