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勛章菊--王民聲 又名非洲光陽菊
英文名稱:Gazania splendens
科 :菊科
原產地 :非洲
葉 :葉由根際丛生、披針形、倒卵狀、披針形,全緣或有線羽裂。葉背被白綿毛。
花 :頭狀花序,舌狀花白、黃、橙紅色、有光澤。花期4-6月。
果 :廋果,果期夏天。
特徵 :多年生草本,是根莖、花大艷麗,切花常見、適合花坛、公園、庭院、路邊、草坪種植觀賞、盆栽種植、佈置會場、禮堂、客廳等。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫10℃-25℃。
繁殖 :播種。
Strings of chrysanthemum - Wong Man Sing Also known as African YangJu light
English name:Gazania splendens
Family: Compositae
Country of Origin:Africa
Leaves: from therhizosphere, lanceolate, pour egg shape, lanceolate, margin entire or cablefeather. Back Bai Mian hairy.
Flowers:capitulum, tongue white, yellow, orange red, shiny. Flowering between April andJune.
Fruits: thin,fruit, fruiting in summer.
Characteristics:perennial herb, are the roots, large flowers is gorgeous, cut flowers, suitablefor common, park, yard, roadside flower bed, lawn planting ornamental, pottedplant, the venue layout, hall, living room, etc.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, rich, loose, well drained soil. Optimum temperature 10 ℃ to 25 ℃.