瀏覽人次:41055278 |
鐵線蕨--王民聲 又名鐵絲草、美人粉、鐵線草
英文名稱:Adiantum capillus-veneris
科 :鐵線蕨科
原產地 :亞洲、美洲等地
葉 :卵形、羽片對生、斜扇形、薄質,青綠色,二回羽狀。葉柄細、長而堅硬,似鐵絲。
特徵 :多年生草本、高15-40㎝、根狀莖橫走、黃褐色、密生棕色鱗毛。株形美麗,葉翠綠。適合盆栽、吊盆種植。佈置大堂、辦公室、客廳、書房等綠化環境。
栽培 :喜半日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫18℃-28℃。
繁殖 :一般用分株。
Maidenhair fern - Wong Man Sing, also known as wire grass, beauty powder
English name : Adiantum capillus-veneris
Family: Adiantaceae
Origin: Asia, Americaand other places
Leaves: ovate, pinnae opposite, oblique fan , thin cloth , green, bipinnate .Petiole slender , long and hard, like a wire.
Characteristics : Perennial herb, 15-40 cm, rhizomes cross walk , tan , brownscales dense hair . Beautiful plant type, leaf green. It is Suitable for pottedplants, hanging pot cultivation. It is also furnished lobby, office, livingroom, study and other greenery.
Cultivation: hi half sunshine, moist, fertile, loose, well-drained soil.Optimum temperature 18 ℃ -28℃.
Reproduction: general use tiller.