瀏覽人次:41296673 |
兜蘭--王民聲 又名拖鞋蘭
英文名稱:Paphiopedilum alliance
科 :蘭科
原產地 :中國雲南、東南亞地區
葉 :葉抱莖互生、長披針形、有綠葉或斑葉品種。
花 :花萼從葉中抽出、頂生一朵形狀奇特、上唇瓣成兜狀、像拖鞋、因此得名、有黃、紅、綠、白、褐、紫等色、具色彩斑點。花期冬季、夏秋開花品種。
果 :
特徵 :多年生常綠草本植物、多數為地生種、少數為附生種。是原始蘭科植物、其株型娟秀、美麗迷人、花期長3-4週。也有長5-8週。較小株品種、硬葉拖鞋蘭、紫點拖鞋蘭、杏黃拖鞋蘭。較大的直徑10-12厘米品種:飄帶拖鞋蘭、帶葉拖鞋蘭等。
栽培 :喜半日照、疏鬆、肥沃的泥土、喜濕潤、腐葉生、泥炭土、苔蘚等。 適溫16℃-26℃。
繁殖 :一般分株。
DouLan- Wong Man SingAlso known as slippers Lan
English name:Paphiopedilum alliance
Family: Orchidaceae
Country of origin:China's yunnan province, the southeast Asia
Leaves:amplexicaul leaves alternate, long lanceolate, green leaves or varieties.
Flowers: calyxextraction from the leaves, apical a strange shapes, upper lip into a pocket,like slippers, hence the name, there are yellow, red, green, white, brown,violet wait for color, color spots. Blooming in winter, summer and fallflowering varieties.
Description:evergreen perennial herbaceous plants, most kinds of volatile oil, a few kindsof for the to students. Is the original orchid, their son, beautiful, longflowering 3-4 weeks. There are 5-8 weeks long. Small plant varieties, hard leafslippers LAN, purple dot, apricot slippers LAN yellow slippers LAN. The largerdiameter of 10-12 cm varieties: ribbon slippers LAN, leafy slippers LAN, etc.
Cultivation:happiness and sunshine, loose, fertile soil, xi moist, rotting Ye Sheng, peat,moss, etc. Comfortable temperature 16 ℃ to 26 ℃.
Plant breeding:general points.