瀏覽人次:43503562 |
非洲菊--王民聲 又名扶郎花
英文名稱:Gerbera jamesonil
科 :菊科
原產地 :南非洲
葉 :束生于基部,羽狀淺分裂或分裂、葉數量多、成熟葉背密被柔毛。長25公分。匙形。
花 :聚生成頭狀花序、直徑十厘米、有官粉、緋紅、橙黃、純白、淺紫、紅白相間、斑點洒金等複色。全年花期。
特徵 :多年生草木,可高四十五公分,全植物被毛。花色繁多,顏色嬌艷。花大美麗花期長。重要切花之一。節日、佈置會場、增添氣氛。
栽培 :喜日照、半日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :可播種或分株法。
African chrysanthemum – Wong Man Sing Also known as fu Lang flowers
English name: Gerberajamesonil
Family: Compositae
Country of origin:cape
Leaves: born inbase beam, feather light split or divided, leaf number, leaf densely pilose onback. 25 cm long. Spoon.
Flowers: polygeneration capitulum, 10 cm in diameter, officer, powder, blush, orange, white,shallow violet, red and white, such as spots in multicolor. Blooming all theyear round.
Description:perennial herbs, 45 centimeters high, whole plant coat. Color design and coloris various, delicate and charming. Take big beautiful flowering long. One ofthe important cut flowers. Festival, the venue layout, add atmosphere.
Cultivation: likesunshine, half the sunshine and moist, rich, loose well drained soil. optimumtemperature 16 ℃ to 26 ℃.
Reproduction: can sow orstrain method.