瀏覽人次:41056577 |
紅莧草--王民聲 又名紅草、紅龍草、大葉紅草.紅葉草
英文名稱:Alfernanfhera dentate ‘Rubiginosa’
科 :莧科
原產地 :中、南美洲、熱帶地區
葉 :對生,橢圓形、倒卵形,匙狀披針形。紅色及各色彩紋。
花 :花序生于葉腋、頭狀花序、冬天花期。
果 :胞果。
特徵 :多年生草本,莖多分株。色彩艷麗。高30-60mm、嫩莖四棱形、老莖圓柱形,具柔毛。習性強健。適合公園、庭院、校園、公路、山石邊、水池邊作籬笆材料。
栽培 :喜日照、半日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :分株、扦插。
Red amaranth grass- Wong Man Sing , also known as red grass , red dragon grass AMARANTH
English Name : Alfernanfhera dentate 'Rubiginosa'
Family: Amaranthaceae
Origin: Central and South America , the tropics
Leaves: opposite, elliptic, obovate, spoon-shaped lanceolate. Red and variouscolor patterns.
Flowers: Inflorescence axillary, capitulum, winter flowering .
Fruit: Utricle.
Characteristics:Perennial herb, stems tiller. Colorful. High 30-60mm, four -angled stems , oldstems cylindrical , pilose . Habits strong. Suitable for parks, gardens ,schools , roads , rocks side pool side for fence materials.
Cultivation : hi sunshine, half sunshine, humid , drought, fertile , loose andwell-drained soil. Optimum temperature
20 ℃ -28 ℃.
Reproduction: Ramet , cuttings .