瀏覽人次:43541559 |
英文名稱:Dionaea muscipula
科 :茅膏菜科
原產地 :北美洲
葉 :基生葉蓮座狀、葉柄扁平,葉片圓形、沿中脉可閉合,邊緣有尖銳的硬刺。昆蟲進入后,葉片迅速關閉並產生黏液,將昆蟲消化。
花 :聚傘花序,直立、花白色、頂生。夏天開花。
果 :蒴果。夏天果期。
特徵 :多年生草本食蟲植物,高10-30cm基生葉小。葉型奇特,呈露珠狀、可捕捉昆蟲,是教材良好素材。適合盆栽種植。美化環境。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫14℃-28℃。
繁殖 :葉插、分株、種子。
Venus Flytrap - Wong Man Sing
English Name : Dionaea muscipula
Family: Droseraceae
Origin : North Americaam
Leaves: Basalrosette leaves , petioles flat , circular blade along the midrib be closed,sharp edge spines . After insects , leaves quickly shut down and produce mucus, insect digestion.
Flowers: cyme, upright , white flowers , the top students. Flowering summer.
Fruits : Capsule . Summer fruit.
Characteristics:perennial herb carnivorous plants , high 10-30cm basal leaves . Exotic leaftype , was dew -like, to capture insects, is good teaching material . Suitablefor bonsai cultivation. Landscaping .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drained sandy soil.Optimum temperature 14 ℃ -28℃.
Reproduction: leaf cutting , division , seeds.