瀏覽人次:41061313 |
大葉紫薇--王民聲 又名大花紫薇
英文名稱:Lagerstroemia speciosa
科 :千屈菜科
原產地 :亞洲熱帶
葉 :葉大如白蕳葉,單葉、長橢圓形,先端尖,平滑冇毛。中肋側脈明顯。
花 :圓錐花序頂生、花大紫色、黃色花蕊,花期5-8月。
果 :蒴果、果期10-11月。
特徵 :落葉喬木,傘狀樹冠,直立主幹,高十五公尺、春萌新芽。葉芽黃褐色、一串一串紫花、覆蓋枝頭,把行人路點綴成花廊。適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植,花大色艷、花期長、極具觀賞價值。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好微酸性泥土。適溫
繁殖 :種子、扦插法。
Lagerstroemia speciosa - Wong Man Sing
English name : Lagerstroemia speciosa
Family: Lythraceae
Origin : tropical Asia
Leaves: leaves as big as a white Jian leaves , leaf , oblong , apex acute,smooth hairless . Rib lateral veins obvious.
Flowers: Inflorescence terminal , a large purple flower , yellow flower ,flowering from May to August .
Fruit: Capsule , fruit from October to November .
Features:deciduous tree , umbrella canopy , upright trunk , fifteen meters high ,sprouting new shoots in spring . Buds brown, purple string of a string ,covered with branches, the footpaths dotted flower Gallery . Suitable forparks, gardens , schools, roadside planting , flower big colorful, longflowering period , highly ornamental value.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist , drought, fertile, loose , well-drainedacidic soil. Optimum temperature
20 ℃ -30 ℃.
Propagation: seeds, cuttings law .