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夜來香--王民聲 又名夜來花、洋丁香、夜蘭香、洋素馨夜丁香
英文名稱:Telosma cordata
科 :蘿藦科
原產地 :中國南方
葉 :心形、長圓形、寛卵形,先端尖,全緣葉薄。
花 :傘狀花序、腋生、可三十多朵、黃綠色清香、小鐘形、夏天開花。
果 :外果皮厚、似小香蕉。果期9-12月。
特徵 :柔弱藤狀灌木,多在庭院、公園種植、夜間花香極濃、花可煲湯食用、可入藥,製芳香油。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好微酸性泥土。適溫
繁殖 :一般用扦插法
Cordate telosma-----Wong Man Sing, Also known as night comes, the lilacs, night spearmint, jasmine
English name:Telosma cordata
Family: ricinuscommunis
Country of origin:Chinasouthern
Leaf: heart, long,understanding ovoid, apex acute, entire leaf thin.
Flower: corymb,altar, can be more than thirty, yellow-green flowers fragrance, bells, bloom inthe summer.
Fruit: pericarpthick, like a small banana. Fruiting 9-12 months.
Description:tender vines shrubs, much is grown in the garden, park, night of flowers isextremely thick, flower is soup to eat, can be used as a medicine, aromaticoil.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist acidic soil, loose, fertile and well drained. warm At 20 ℃ to 30 ℃.
Reproduction:general use cuttage