瀏覽人次:41401885 |
垂絲海棠--王民聲 又名海棠
英文名稱:Malas halliana
科 :薔薇科
原產地 :中國華東、西南地區
葉 :單葉互生、卵形、橢圓形至橢圓狀卵形,先端尖,基部楔形近圓形,具鋸齒葉緣。
花 :傘房花序、有花4-7朵,花粉紅色,萼筒紫紅色。花期3-4月。
果 :核果、果期9-10月。
特徵 :落葉喬木,灌木,高5米,花色嬌艷奪目,近似梅花,花姿優美,適合公園、庭院、學校等種植。亦可種於路邊、水岸邊、草坪中。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、土層深厚排水良好泥土。適溫15℃-22℃。
繁殖 :播種、嫁接。
Begonia - Wong ManSing , also known as Begonia
English Name : Malas halliana
Family: Rosaceae
Country of Origin: China ,East China , Southwest China
Leaves: Leaves alternate , ovate , elliptic to elliptic-ovate , apex acute,base cuneate nearly circular , with a serrated .
Flowers: corymb , flowers 4-7 flowers , pink flowers , purple calyx . Floweringfrom March to April .
Fruit : drupefruit period from September to October .
Features: 5 meters of deciduous trees, shrubs, tall , blooming brilliant color, similar to plum flower beautiful pose for parks, gardens, schools, and othercultivation. Can also be planted in the street , the water shore, lawn .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile , well-drained soil deep mud .Optimum temperature 15 ℃ -22℃.
Reproduction: sowing , grafting .