瀏覽人次:41054502 |
瑪瑙石榴--王民聲 又名玻璃石榴
英文名稱:Punica granatum Lagrellei
科 :安石榴科
原產地 :栽培品種
葉 :對生、簇生、長披針形,長倒卵形、光亮綠、青色。
花 :花大、重瓣、有紅、白或條紋品種。夏天花期。
特徵 :落葉灌木、小喬。花大鮮紅、奪目可愛但不能結果。適合公園、庭院、校園、種植美化。亦可盆栽。高2-4m
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。
繁殖 :扦插、高壓。
Agate pomegranate- Wong Man Sing Also known as glass
English name:Punica granatum Lagrellei
Family :punicaceae
Country of origin:cultivated varieties
Leaves: opposite,tufted, long lanceolate, long obovate, light green, and blue.
Flowers:Bigflower, flower, double varieties, there are red, white or stripe. Summerflowering.
Description:deciduous shrubs, Joe. Pay big bright red, bright and lovely but not result.Suitable for park, garden, campus, planting beautification. Potted plants. 2-4m high
Cultivation: likesunshine, moisture, drought-tolerant, rich, loose, sandy soil drainage well.
The optimumtemperature of 20 ℃ to30 ℃.
Reproduction:cutting, and high pressure.