瀏覽人次:41060732 |
彩椒 辣椒 一一王民聲
英文名稱 : chili pepper 番椒 Caspsicum annuum var conoides
科 :茄科
原產地 :美洲熱帶。
葉 :橢圓形披針形、卵形。
花 :白色小花,聚生枝梢、葉腋。全年開花、主要花期5-9月
果 : 尖錐形、球形、卵形、紡錐形,燈龍形。有黃、橙、紫、紅、綠、黑色、漿果、果期7-10月。
特徵 :多年生草本 。全年開花結果。有辣、有不辣。品種多、有指天椒,櫻挑椒。彩葉椒,大椒,燈籠椒。果實色澤豐富、為著名觀果植物、適合盆裁觀賞、可種公園、庭院、校園等。辣椒可作調味品,受一般人喜愛。正所謂無辣不歡。營養成分: 維生素 A 、B、C 礦物質。胡蘿蔔素、菸酸。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好微中性、酸性泥土。適溫15-30度。
繁殖 : 用種子。
Chili---- Wong ManSing
Also known ascapsicum frutescens var, five color pepper, pepper, color pepper refers to day,
English name:chili pepper chilly Caspsicum annuum var conoides
Family: solanaceae
Distribution:tropical America.
Leaves: elliptic,lanceolate, ovate.
Flower:Trunk, flowers,white flowers, the topmost axillary. Flowering, main flowering in September 5 -all the year round
Fruit: pointedcone, cone, globose, ovoid, spinning light dragon. There are yellow, orange,purple, red, green, black, berries, fruiting 7 to 10 months.
Characteristics:perennial herb. Blossom all the year round. Spicy and not spicy. Manyvarieties, pepper, refers to the day cherry pick peppers. Colored bell pepper,pepper, pepper. Rich fruit color, in order to view fruit plants, suitable forbasin cut, but kind of park, garden, school, etc. Pepper as a seasoning,popular with ordinary people. Is not spicy.
Nutrition: vitaminA, B, C minerals. Carotene, tobacco acid.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, neutral, loose, fertile and well drained acid soil. Theoptimum temperature for 15 ℃to 30℃.
Reproduction:Seeds breeding