瀏覽人次:41057386 |
英文名稱 : Coffee liberica
科 : 茜草科
原產地 : 非洲西海岸、赤道森林
葉 : 葉薄革質,橢圓形、倒卵狀、披針形、頂端闊楔尖,基部闊楔尖。全緣。
花 : 聚傘花序短小, 2朵至數朵簇生。老枝葉腋。花冠白色、少許淺紅色花期1-5月
果 : 漿果大、闊橢圓形。果期4-6月
特徵 : 常綠喬木或灌木、高6-15米、果實紅豔、色澤美麗、適合公園、庭院、學校、路邊栽培欣賞。果貝香氣、果實所含咖啡因較大粒。用於製作飲料。香氣濃郁。
栽培 : 喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。適合18度-28度。
繁殖 : 扦插、播種。
Coffee-------Wong Man Sing
English name:Coffee liberica
Family: rubiaceae
Distribution: thewest coast of Africa, the equatorial forest
Leaf: thinly leathery, elliptic, pour egg shape, lanceolate, apex broad wedge tip, basebroadly wedge tip. Entire.
Flower: cymeshort, 2 to several clusters. LaoZhi axillary. Corolla white, a little shallowred flowering in the first five months
Fruits, berries,broadly elliptic. Fruiting between April and June
Description:evergreen trees or shrubs, to 6 to 15 m tall, red fruit, colour and lustre isbeautiful, suitable for park, garden, school, roadside cultivation. Fruit beiaroma, fruit contains caffeine larger grains. Used for production of drink.Rich smell.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, rich, loose, sandy soil drainage well. Suitable for 18℃ - 28 ℃.
Reproduction:cutting, seeding.