瀏覽人次:41059227 |
又名 可可樹
英文名稱 : Theobromo cacao
科 : 梧桐科
原產地 : 美洲南部及中部
葉 : 卵狀長橢圓形至倒卵狀長橢圓形,先端漸尖。基部圓形,近心形或鈍。
花 : 小花、粉紅色萼。花辮淺黃色。花開幾乎全年。
果 : 核果圓形、長橢圓形,表面有纖溝。成熟深黃、紅色。生於老樹幹上。
特徵 : 常綠喬木、高12米。結果奇特。在樹結果,掛果幾乎全年、可觀性。適合熱帶公園種植、或作科普教育。種子為製作可可粉及朱古力的主要原料。
栽培 : 喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫23度-32度。
繁殖 : 播種。
Cocoa-----Wong Man Sing
Also known as thecacao tree
English name:Theobromo cacao
Country of origin:south and Central America
Leaf: longelliptic to pour egg shape oval long elliptic, apex acuminate. Base rounded,nearly heart-shaped or obtuse.
Flower: littleflower, pink calyx. Fancy light yellow. Flowers almost throughout the year.
Fruit: drupecircle, elliptic, surface of fiber channel. Mature deep yellow and red. Born inthe old tree.
Description:evergreen trees, to 12 m tall. Strange results. As a result, the tree GuaGuoalmost throughout the year, significant. Suitable for tropical park planting,popular science education. The main raw material of seeds for production ofcocoa and chocolate.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moist, rich, loose, well drained soil. Optimum temperature of 23℃ to 32 ℃.