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乳茄 五代同堂一一王民聲
又名 乳茄、五指茄、黃金果、牛頭茄
英文名稱 : Sotanum mammosum
科 : 茄科
原產地 : 美洲熱帶區
葉 : 闊卵形、葉緣不規則、掌狀鈍裂。
花 : 蠋尾狀花序、腋鬥生、三至四朵花、花冠形、呈紫色。花期為春天。
果 : 漿果、倒梨狀,成熟時金黃色、橙色、基部有4-6粒乳狀突起。果含龍葵堿。可入葯。果期為秋冬。
特徵 : 多年生草本植物、高1米,果實形狀奇特可愛,長時間不會幹縮變色、極為珍奇。五代同堂、寓意子孫不息,代代相傳。西方人叫乳茄。色澤金黃豔麗。為年宵花之一。多用果枝裝飾客庁。大堂。觀賞價值極高。
栽培 : 喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適合22度-32度。
繁殖 : 扦插。
Milk in tomato( 5generations)------ Wong Man Sing
Also known as milkin tomato, five fingers in tomato, abiu, tauren in tomato
English name:Sotanum mammosum
Family: solanaceae
Distribution:tropical American area
Leaves:Lobesbroadly ovate, margin irregular, palmate blunt crack.
Flower: Zhucaudate inflorescence, axillary, three to four flower, corolla form, purple. Flowering for spring.
Mature fruit,berries, piriform, golden yellow, orange, when base 4-6 grain emulsion morebumps. Fruit contain solanine base. Can be used as a medicine. Fruiting forautumn and winter.
Description:perennial herbs, 1 m tall, strange fruit shape and lovely, long time not dryingshrinkage change color, and are extremely rare. Five generations, children ofmoral, from generation to generation. Westerners call milk in tomato. Goldencolor is gorgeous. As one of the place flowers. Use guest frutescence.stage ofdecoration. The lobby. A high ornamental value.
Cultivation: likesunshine, moisture, drought-tolerant, rich, loose, well drained soil. Suitablefor 22-32 degrees.