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竹類植物 > 斑點竹Phyllostatachys bambusoidesf. Lacrima-deae
斑竹--王民聲 又名湘妃淚竹
英文名稱:Phyllostatachys bambusoidesf. Lacrima-deae
科 :禾木科
原產地 :中國黃河到長江流域各地
葉 :披針形。
特徵 :桂竹的變種、竹、秆、枝有殷紅斑痕。傳說舜帝為平息南方戰亂,來到古蒼梧之地,不幸死于湖南九嶷山(今寧遠县),兩個愛妃,聞訊赶來,悲痛欲絕,攀竹痛哭、淚水在竹上染成斑斑淚痕,故名淚竹、或湘妃竹。又說靚女不可觸斑竹、否則起紅斑痕。信不相信呢
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫18℃-30℃。
繁殖 :連根部掘出而分株、或扦插法。
Bamboo- Wong Man Sing, also known as Concubine Tears Bamboo
English name : Phyllostatachys bambusoidesf. Lacrima-deae
Family: Poaceae
Country of Origin: China across the Yellow River to the Yangtze River Basin
Leaves: lanceolate
Features:Makino variants , bamboo, straw , branches with bright red scar . Legend ofEmperor Shun to quell the South war, came to the land of the ancient Cangwu ,died of Hunan Jiuyishan ( now Ningyuan ) , two Favored concubines, who heard ,distraught , climbing bamboo crying , tears in the bamboo on dyed stainedtears, tears named bamboo, or Xiangfei Zhu . Bamboo added beauties can not touch,or from the red mark. Believe it or not believe it. Suitable for parks, gardens,schools, roadside planting, green environment.
Cultivation: hi sunshine, moist, fertile, loose, well-drained sandy soil. Optimumtemperature 18 ℃-30 ℃.
Reproduction: even dug up roots and ramets , or cutting method .