瀏覽人次:41060820 |
竹類植物 > 紫竹Phyllostachys nigra
英文名稱:Phyllostachys nigra
科 :禾木科
原產地 :中國長江流域、中小型散生竹。
葉 :披針形。
特徵 :傳統優良園林竹。相傳觀世音曾居住普陀落珈山的紫竹林中。所以觀音廟旁種植紫竹。竹枝、竹秆線變紫,竹葉青翠竹秆天然紫色、可做、魚竿、樂器、手杖、書架及各種工藝品。適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、溫暖、肥沃、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫18℃-30℃。
繁殖 :連根部掘出而分株、或扦插法。
Shichiku- Wong Man Sing
English name : Phyllostachys nigra
Country of Origin: China Yangtze River , small scattered bamboos .
Leaves: lanceolate.
Family: Poaceae
Features:Traditional fine bamboo garden . According to legend, Guanyin has lived off theChia Putuo Mountain Shichiku forest. So temple next to the black bambooplantation . Bamboo , bamboo stalks line purple , purple Zhuyeqing naturalbamboo stalk , do , fishing rod , musical instruments, walking sticks , shelvesand various crafts. Suitable for parks, gardens , schools, roadside planting .
Cultivation : hi sunshine, humid, warm , fertile , well-drained sandy soil .Optimum temperature 18 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: even dug up roots and ramets , or cutting method .