瀏覽人次:41057334 |
竹類植物 > 觀音竹Bambusa multiplex var. riviereorum
英文名稱:Bambusa multiplex var. riviereorum
科 :禾木科
原產地 :中國
葉 :葉片線形,表面無毛、葉背粉綠面密被短柔毛、先端漸尖。基部近圓形、楔形。
花 :假小穗單生或簇生。極少開花
果 ﹔穎果。
特徵 :多年生丛生灌本、高4-7米。竽尖細尖,竹葉秀麗,適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊、山石邊、墻垣邊種植,亦可作綠色籬笆種植及小型盆景制作。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫18℃-30℃。
繁殖 :一般分株法。
GuanyinZhu - Wong Man Sing
English name : Bambusa multiplex var. Riviereorum
Family: Arecaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves : Leaves linear, surface glabrous, light green dorsal surface denselypubescent, apex acuminate . Base nearly rounded , wedge .
Flowers: false spikelets solitary or clustered . Rare flowering
Fruit ; caryopsis .
Characteristics: Perennial shrub of the bunch , 4-7 meters high . Yu tapering tip, bamboo YeXiuli , suitable for parks, gardens , schools, road , rocks side wall edgeplanting , but also for the green fence and small bonsai cultivation .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, loose, fertile , well-drained soil . Optimumtemperature 18 ℃-30 ℃.
Reproduction: General ramets .