瀏覽人次:41057816 |
假檳榔--王民聲 又名亞力山大大椰子、檳榔葵
英文名稱:Archontophoenix alexandrae
科 :棕櫚科
原產地 :澳洲東部溫暖地區
葉 :巨大的羽狀葉。簇生于樹幹之頂部,葉背灰白色。聚生于莖頂。羽片呈2列排列。
花 :花簇生于葉下綠色葉鞘基部。白色。圓錐花序。下垂。多分枝、雌雄同株。4-5月花期。
果 :卵球形,熟時紅色。4-7月果期。
特徵 :常綠喬木、有高而平滑之樹幹,可高十八公尺。上部平滑綠色。葉鞘膨大而抱莖,形成明顯的冠莖。高大直莖、四季常綠。適合公園、庭院、校園、公路、風景區、草坪、行人路等種植。
栽培 :喜日照、肥沃、濕潤、疏鬆、排水良好沙質泥土。適溫20℃-30℃。
繁殖 :種子。
Falsebetel - Wong Man Sing
Alexander the Great , also known as coconut, betel Kwai
English name : Archontophoenix alexandrae
Family: Arecaceae
Country of Origin: warm areas in eastern Australia
Leaves: large pinnate leaves . Clustered at the top of the trunk , the dorsalgray. Poly Born stem tip . Pinna was 2 order.
Flowers: Flowers clustered at the base of leaf sheaths under green . White.Panicles . Drooping. Multi-branched, monoecious . April-May flowering .
Fruit: ovoid, red when ripe . April-July fruit .
Features: evergreen tree, the trunk has a high and smooth , can be higheighteen meters. Upper smooth green. While clasping leaf sheath swollen , forma distinct crown stems. Tall, straight stems, evergreen . Suitable for parks,gardens , schools, roads , scenic areas, lawns , footpaths and other planting .
Cultivation : hi sunshine, fertile, moist , loose, well-drained sandy soil .Optimum temperature 20 ℃ -30 ℃.
Propagation: seeds.