瀏覽人次:41057617 |
散尾葵--王民聲 又名黃椰子
英文名稱:Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
科 :棕櫚科
原產地 :馬達加斯加
葉 :平滑細長,羽狀小葉全裂。葉柄細長金黃色。葉鞘黃綠色。
花 :肉穗花序。金黃色。3-5月花期。
果 :陀螺狀、黃色。8月為果期。
特徵 :樹莖光滑、圓柱形。常作室內觀葉植物。喜半陰地方生長。生長慢。高8公尺,有莖數枝,從基部長出成叢。常綠灌木或小喬木。樹形優美。適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植、亦可盆栽種植、佈置室內大堂、禮堂、公眾場所美化環境。
栽培 :喜日照、半日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :分株。
Chrysalidocarpus -- Wong Man Sing, also known as yellow coconut
English name : Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
Family: Arecaceae
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Leaves: Smooth slender, pinnate leaflets entire crack. Petiole slender golden brown. Sheath yellow green.
Flowers: spadix . Golden yellow . March-May flowering .
Fruit : gyroscope -like, yellow. August is fruit .
Features: tree stems smooth, cylindrical . Often indoor foliage plants. Hi half shade places to grow . Slow growth . 8 meters high , with stems branches, from the base to grow into a bundle . Evergreen shrub or small tree. Beautiful tree . Suitable for parks, gardens , schools, roadside planting, potted plants can be grown indoors furnished lobby , halls, public places and beautify the environment.
Cultivation : hi sunshine, half sunshine , moist, loose, fertile , well-drained soil . Optimum temperature
20 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: ramets .