瀏覽人次:41057957 |
萬代蘭--王民聲 又名東南亞第一名花、萬帶蘭
英文名稱:Vando spp
科 :蘭科
原產地 :新加坡、泰國雜交育種
葉 :扁平、常狹帶狀、二列。
花 :總狀花序、叢葉厥間抽出、斜立或近直立。花大、有白、黃、粉、紅、紫、茶褐、天藍色等。花期依品種而定。
果 :
特徵 :多年生常綠附生草本,莖直立、斜立、具發達氣根,品種約四十種。有大花或中花品種、適合盆栽種植觀賞。佈置客廳、會場等等。亦可用於切花。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、透水透氣良好的磚塊,樹蕨塊作為栽培基質。適溫20℃-30℃。
Vanda - Wong Man Sing,in Southeast Asia also known as the first flower, Vanda
English Name : Vando spp
Family: Orchidaceae
Origin: Singapore, Thailand crossbreeding
Leaves : Flat , often narrow ribbon , two .
Flowers: Inter racemes , Cong Ye Jue withdrawn , oblique or nearly upright.Flowers large, white, yellow , pink, red , purple, Chahe , sky blue and so on.By flowering variety.
Features:epiphytic evergreen perennial herb , stems erect, oblique , with awell-developed aerial roots , about forty varieties of species. There are largevarieties of flowers or the flowers , potted plants suitable for ornamentalplanting . Furnished living room, hall and so on. Can be used for cut flowers.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, well- breathable permeable bricks , treeferns block as a growing media . Optimum temperature 20 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: General cuttings, take phanerophytes .