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四十五周年校慶植樹日----王民聲 為慶祝建校四十五周年.校長,副校長,教職員及家教會委員於一九O九年八月十六日在校園進行植樹儀式、種植兩棵糯米糍荔枝樹o 這次活動由家教會委員统籌,希望為四十五周年留下一個美好而有意義的回憶o而樹木的選擇別具意義,由校長提出栽種名種「糯米糍」茘枝,寓意家校攜手,在教育的路上獲得美好的收成o本人(王民聲)負責採購的兩棵廣東省,東莞市優質糯米糍茘枝,是多年生常綠樹,果大,扁心形,鮮紅色,果肉乳白色,厚肉,多汁,核小,是名貴的商品水果o 我們熱切期待果樹快高長大,早日開花結果,讓我們共享成果o
Gardening Events
45thAnniversary Tree Planting Day ---- Wong Man Sing
forty-fifthanniversary celebration of the school . Principal, vice principal , staff andPTA members at 1990 on August 16 on the campus tree-planting ceremony ,planting two trees Nuomici lychee trees o the event is organized by members ofPTA co-ordination, want to leave a good 45th anniversary and meaningfulmemories. The choice of meaningful trees , planted by the Principal name kindof " Nuomici " Lai Chi , meaning home-school work , on the road toget a better education harvest . I (Wong Man Sing ) responsible for theprocurement of two Guangdong Province , Dongguan City, high-quality Nuomici LaiChi , is a perennial evergreen , fruit, flat heart-shaped, bright red, whiteflesh , thick flesh , juicy, nuclear small, is a valuable commodity fruits. Welook forward fruit grow fast , early flowering , let us share the results .