瀏覽人次:41059806 |
非洲鳳仙--王民聲 又名鳳仙、新幾內亞鳳仙、大花鳳仙
科 :鳳仙花科
原產地 :熱帶地區
葉 :狹長、兩端尖,互生有鋸齒。
花 :單、重瓣,有紅、紫、橙、白、雙色品種,花期5-10月。
果 :蒴果,生有茸毛。
特徵 :多年生草本,有莖,節。果實成熟後就急不及待散放種子。怕烈日曝曬、不耐旱、生長快。容易繁殖。花大鮮艷、公園、校園、家居綠化。花期長。
栽培 :喜日照、半日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫
Impatiens - WongMan Sing, also known as impatiens , New Guinea impatiens , impatiens flower
Name : Impatiens walleriana
Section: Section Impatiens
Origin: tropics
Leaves: long and narrow, pointed at both ends , alternate serrated .
Flower: single , petals , red , purple , orange, white, color varieties ,flowering from May to October .
Fruit : Capsule , having hair .
Characteristics:perennial herb with stems festival. Wait to dissipate after ripening seeds .Fear of sun exposure , not drought , fast growth . Easy to breed . Large brightflowers , park , school , home green . Long flowering period .
Cultivation : hi sunshine, half sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drainedsoil. Optimum temperature
15 ℃ -28 ℃.
Reproduction: general use cutting method , planting.