瀏覽人次:41078365 |
英文名稱 :Narrcissu bywong man sing
科 :石蒜科
原產地 :中國福建省﹑漳州市
葉 :比一般水仙肥大﹑有平行脈﹑先端鈍。長帶狀。
花 :重瓣如牡丹﹑淺綠色。後期再生出佛燄苞。黃色花心。清香。
果 :己成標本幹花
特徵 :種植水仙三十多年的園藝專家王民聲,在二00三年﹑新春將至﹑數星期前摏出一株具種水仙花﹑結果在單年年來臨前帶好運連連。且在一菖中長出四朵淡綠顏色。由無數花瓣組成形如牡丹的花朵。故冠以美名「牡丹水仙」。數天后,更顯奇特,其中一朵花,再錦上添花﹑出了一朵佛燄苞﹑花心黃色﹑芳香。這株水仙是世界上獨一無二的。
相關資料(一) 國務院港澳事務辦公室網址。
(二) 蘋果日報2003年大年初一刊登。
PeonyDaffodils ---- Wong Man Sing Narcissus ( under international law )
English name : Narrcissu by Wong Man Sing
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Country of Origin: Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China.
Leaves: Narcissus hypertrophy than have parallel veins, apex obtuse. Longribbon .
Flowers: pale green petals as peonies. Late regenerate spathe. Yellow flower .Fragrance.
Fruit : Into a specimen has been dried
Features: Planting Daffodils thirty years of gardening expert Wong Man Sing, in the2003 New Year approaching, Chong out a few weeks ago with a kind of daffodils,results before the arrival of a single mid- band good luck . A vine in light greencolor flowers grow back .By countless petals shaped like peony flowers.Therefore dubbed reputation " Peony Narcissus ." A few days later ,more exotic , including a flower, and then out of an icing on the cake, spathe flower yellow, aroma. This strain of Narcissus is unique inthe world .
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