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六出花--王民聲 又名秘魯百合
英文名稱:Alstroemeria aurantiaca
科 :石蒜科
原產地 :南美洲、秘魯、智利
葉 :互生披針形,葉多。有短柄,無柄。螺旋狀着生。
花 :傘形花序,6-10朵小花簇生,喇叭型,花冠直徑6-10cm,有粉紅、橙紅、紅白黃色花瓣6片,上中2片具斑彩,花期4-8月。
果 :
特徵 :地下具根狀莖、簇生、平卧、莖直立,不分枝、高50-150cm。是中國近年來引進頗受歡迎的洋花之一。花形豔麗,花期長,適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植。可盆栽種植布置花壇、客廳、禮堂,亦常用於切花。其地下膨大的莖還可提取淀粉。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好中性微酸沙質泥土。適溫
繁殖 :块莖分法、播種
Sixflower ----- Wong Man Sing, , also known as Peruvian lilies
English Name : Alstroemeria aurantiaca
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Country of Origin : South America , Peru, Chile
Leaves: alternate, lanceolate, leaf and more . With a short handle , sessile .Spirally .
Flowers: umbel flowers clustered ,6- 10 , horn , corolla diameter, 6-10cm, withpink , orange , red and yellow petals 6 , with a spot on the two -color
Fruit :
Features: Underground with rhizomes , clustered , supine , stems erect , unbranched ,high 50-150cm. China's recent introduction of one of the popular ocean flowers. Flower-shaped gorgeous, long flowering period for parks, gardens , schools,roadside planting . Potted planting can be arranged flower beds, living room ,hall, fairly frequently for cut flowers. Its underground swollen stems can alsoextract the starch.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drained sandy soilslightly acidic neutral . Optimum temperature
六出花--王民聲 又名秘魯百合
英文名稱:Alstroemeria aurantiaca
科 :石蒜科
原產地 :南美洲、秘魯、智利
葉 :互生披針形,葉多。有短柄,無柄。螺旋狀著生。
花 :傘形花序,6-10朵小花簇生,喇叭型,花冠直徑6-10cm,有粉紅、橙紅、紅白黃色花瓣6片,上中2片具斑彩
果 :
特徵 :地下具根狀莖、簇生、平臥、莖直立,不分枝、高50-150cm。是中國近年來引進頗受歡迎的洋花之一。花形豔麗,花期長,適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植。可盆栽種植佈置花壇、客廳、禮堂,亦常用於切花。其地下膨大的莖還可提取澱粉。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好中性微酸沙質泥土。適溫
繁殖 :塊莖分法、播種
Sixflower ----- Wong Man Sing, , also known as Peruvian lilies
English Name : Alstroemeria aurantiaca
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Country of Origin : South America , Peru, Chile
Leaves: alternate, lanceolate, leaf and more . With a short handle , sessile .Spirally .
Flowers: umbel flowers clustered ,6- 10 , horn , corolla diameter, 6-10cm, withpink , orange , red and yellow petals 6 , with a spot on the two -color
Fruit :
Features: Underground with rhizomes , clustered , supine , stems erect , unbranched ,high 50-150cm. China's recent introduction of one of the popular ocean flowers. Flower-shaped gorgeous, long flowering period for parks, gardens , schools,roadside planting . Potted planting can be arranged flower beds, living room ,hall, fairly frequently for cut flowers. Its underground swollen stems can alsoextract the starch.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drained sandy soilslightly acidic neutral . Optimum temperature
14 ℃-26 ℃.
Propagation: tubers of France , planting