瀏覽人次:41057117 |
亞洲百合--王民聲 又名黃百合、金百合
英文名稱:Lilium‘Asiatic Hybrid’
科 :百合科
原產地 :中國、日本
葉 :互生、帶形、無柄。
花 :花大、總狀花序、生於莖頂部、花開成淺杯形、有黃、白、粉、橙、紅、複色等。花期6-8月。
果 :蒴果、矩形。
特徵 :多年生鱗莖草木、高50-150cm。地下為鱗莖,可生產小百合種子球。根在球莖下生出。適合公園、庭院、校園、路邊種植。花大艷麗、切花常用。佈置花壇、花境、裝飾禮堂、會場等等。
栽培 :喜半日照、濕潤、耐寒、疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫
繁殖 :一般用分球
Asiatic lilies - Wang Man Sing
Also known as :yellow lily, lily
English name : Lilium 'Asiatic Hybrid'
Family: Liliaceae
Country of Origin: China , Japan
Leaves: alternate, belt -shaped , sessile .
Flowers: Flowers large, racemes, born in the stem at the top, into a shallowcup-shaped flowers, yellow, white, pink, orange, red, complex color and soon. Flowering from June to August .
Fruit : Capsule , rectangle.
Characteristics:Perennialbulbs vegetation, high 50-150cm. Underground