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觀花球根 > 兔仔花Cyclamen persicum
兔仔花--王民聲 俗名一品冠
英文名稱:Cyclamen persicum
科 :報春花科
原產地 :南歐、北非地中海地區
葉 :心臟形、葉綠有細鋸齒、深灰綠色有灰白色花紋。
花 :單生於花莖頂部、有長柄、花冠裂片向上翻、形似兔耳。有紅、粉、紫、白等色、花期為12月至翌年5月。
果 :蒴果、圓形、褐色
特徵 :多年生球莖植物、高20-45cm。由塊莖頂部生出。花梗自葉腋抽出、好似一群長著紅眼睛的兔子,故又名兔子花。讚頌詩句有《單花下垂瓣上卷、疑是月官仙兔來。》一般每株可開20-30朵、而花期可達120天之久。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、疏鬆、肥沃、含腐殖質、排水良好而微酸性沙質泥土。適溫15℃-22℃。
繁殖 :一般播種、球莖繁殖。
Cyclamens ----- Wong Man Sing
Common name:PinGuan
Also known as :Akacyclamen, rabbit ears flower, radish Begonia
English name : Cyclamen persicum
Family: Primulaceae
Origin: Southern Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean region
Leaves: Heart -shaped green leaves with fine toothed, dark green with graypatterns.
Flowers: solitary stems at the top , with a long handle , corolla lobes turnedupward ,the shape of rabbit ears . There are red, pink, purple, white andother colors, flowering from December to next May .
Fruit : Capsule, round, brown
Characteristics: Perennialbulbous plants , high 20-45cm. Top of the tuber birth . Pedicels extracted fromleaf axils , like a group of rabbits with red eyes , also known as rabbit flower. Verses praising the " A flower , flowers drooping petals roll up ,you put the Buddha is the immortal rabbit moon ." Generally open 20-30flowers per plant , and flowering up to 120 days.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, loose, fertile , humus , well drained andslightly acidic sandy soil . Optimum temperature 15 ℃ -22 ℃.
Reproduction: general seed , bulbs multiply.