瀏覽人次:41096454 |
三色堇--王民聲 又名貓兒臉、鬼臉花、蝴蝶花、人面花
英文名稱:Viola trieolor
科 :堇菜科
原產地 :西班牙、歐洲北部
葉 :心形、披針形或長卵形。葉邊有鋸齒,有長葉柄。
花 :花梗長、每梗一朵大花。花瓣五片、覆瓦狀排列。有紫、紅、橙、黃、白、藍色。花期4-10月。
果 :蒴果、種子圓形、褐色。
特徵 :二年生草本、莖分枝多、花瓣近圓形。一般花有藍、白、黃三色。故名三色堇。喜歡通風涼快地方、耐旱。高約30㎝、花色豐富、形狀奇特、常見觀花植物。適合路邊、花壇、公園種植觀賞。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好中泥土。適溫10℃-22℃。
繁殖 :種子
Pansy- Wong Man Sing, also known as cat face, grimace flower, butterfly flower,flower human face
English name : Viola trieolor
Family: Violaceae
Origin: Spain, northern Europe
Leaves : Heart -shaped, lanceolate or ovate . Leaf edges are serrated , withlong petioles .
Flowers: pedicels , a large flower per stem . Petals five , imbricate . Purple, red, orange, yellow, white , blue. Flowering from April to October .
Fruit: capsule, seed round, brown.
Features: biennial herb , much branched stems , petals nearly round . Generalflowers blue, white , and yellow . Named Pansy . Like ventilated cool place ,drought . Height of about 30 cm, rich colors , strange shapes , common flowerplants. Suitable roadside flower beds , parks planted ornamental .
Cultivation: hi sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drained soil in . Optimumtemperature 10 ℃-22 ℃.
Reproduction: Seeds