瀏覽人次:41060791 |
千日紅--王民聲 又名百日紅、火球花、千日草、滾水花、千日粉
英文名稱:Gomphrena globlosa
科 :莧科
原產地 :熱帶美洲
葉 :單葉、互生、被毛、卵形、葉柄短。全緣。
花 :細小、聚成頭狀花序、有紅、紫、黃、白色。花期6-10月。
果 :胞果、球形、種子賢形、棕色。
特徵 :一年生草本、高30-60㎝。花期長、花色鮮艷、花後不落、鮮艷色不退,是切花、乾花、盆景、有選材料。適合公園、校園、路邊、花壇觀賞。花序入藥、有止咳定喘、平肺明目功效。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、耐旱、疏鬆、肥沃排水良好中性微酸性泥土。適溫16℃-30℃。
繁殖 :利用種子繁殖。
Gomphrena- Wong Man Sing, also known as the Hundred Days red fireball flowers, grassthousand days , boiling water flower, pink Thousand Days
English name : Gomphrena globlosa
Family: Amaranthaceae
Country of Origin : Tropical America
Leaves: Leaves simple, alternate , hairy , oval, short petiole . Entire.
Flowers: small , clustered into capitulum , red , purple, yellow , white.Flowering from June to October .
Fruit : Utricle , spherical, seeds Yin -shaped, brown.
Characteristics:annual herb, 30-60 cm high . Long flowering period, bright colors , do not fallafter flowering , bright color subside , is cut flowers, dried flowers, bonsai,has selected material . Suitable for parks , schools, road, flower viewing.Inflorescence medicine, there are cough and , Pingfei eyesight effect.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist , drought , loose, well-drained fertileneutral slightly acidic soil . Optimum temperature 16 ℃ -30 ℃.
Propagation : By seed propagation .